full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jim Hudspeth: The beautiful, mysterious science of how you hear

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, this mode of oaoirtepn has the advantage of great seepd. Some of our senses, such as vsoiin, use cemhiacl reactions that take time. And as a consequence of that, if I show you a series of pictures at intervals of 20 or 30 per second, you get the sense of a continuous image. Because it doesn't use reactions, the hair cell is fully 1,000 times faster than our other senses. We can hear sounds at frequencies as great as 20,000 cleycs per second, and some animals have ever faster ears. The ears of bats and whales, for example, can respond to their sonar pulses at 150,000 cycles a second.

Open Cloze

Now, this mode of _________ has the advantage of great _____. Some of our senses, such as ______, use ________ reactions that take time. And as a consequence of that, if I show you a series of pictures at intervals of 20 or 30 per second, you get the sense of a continuous image. Because it doesn't use reactions, the hair cell is fully 1,000 times faster than our other senses. We can hear sounds at frequencies as great as 20,000 ______ per second, and some animals have ever faster ears. The ears of bats and whales, for example, can respond to their sonar pulses at 150,000 cycles a second.


  1. cycles
  2. chemical
  3. speed
  4. operation
  5. vision

Original Text

Now, this mode of operation has the advantage of great speed. Some of our senses, such as vision, use chemical reactions that take time. And as a consequence of that, if I show you a series of pictures at intervals of 20 or 30 per second, you get the sense of a continuous image. Because it doesn't use reactions, the hair cell is fully 1,000 times faster than our other senses. We can hear sounds at frequencies as great as 20,000 cycles per second, and some animals have ever faster ears. The ears of bats and whales, for example, can respond to their sonar pulses at 150,000 cycles a second.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
hair cells 9
hair cell 8
hair bundle 7
active process 7
elastic band 2
arm represents 2
remarkable features 2
specific frequency 2
public address 2
address system 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
public address system 2

Important Words

  1. advantage
  2. animals
  3. bats
  4. cell
  5. chemical
  6. consequence
  7. continuous
  8. cycles
  9. ears
  10. faster
  11. frequencies
  12. fully
  13. great
  14. hair
  15. hear
  16. image
  17. intervals
  18. mode
  19. operation
  20. pictures
  21. pulses
  22. reactions
  23. respond
  24. sense
  25. senses
  26. series
  27. show
  28. sonar
  29. sounds
  30. speed
  31. time
  32. times
  33. vision
  34. whales